Industry News
Author:adminTime:2020-06-10 09:53:23Click:16
It was learned from Zhejiang University that Professor Zhang Hong of the Institute of calibration medicine and molecular imaging successfully developed the first set of PET molecular image probe microfluidic modular integrated synthesis system with i···
Author:adminTime:2020-06-10 09:43:53Click:10
In the hot summer, long skirts should be elegant and shorts should be cool. However, there are such a group of people, because of their rashes, patches and dandruff, even if they are full of sweat, they have to wrap themselves in long clothes and tro···
Author:adminTime:2020-06-10 09:40:50Click:11
Pharmaceutical machinery is a kind of machinery widely used in the field of pharmaceutical equipment. According to the dosage forms of drugs, preparation machinery can be divided into four categories: solid, semi-solid, liquid and gas preparation mac···